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Beit Ummar: Those who have so little to share, share with those who have nothing; Beit Ummar Sends Aid Shipment to Gaza

June 13, 2024

Beit Ummar, West Bank Palestine. Volunteers from the Center for Freedom and Justice there prepare packages of food and supplies for the suffering people of Gaza.


Press Release: The Biden Administration must insure that needed food, medical and infrastructural aid reach Palestinians in need in Gaza.

1.The horror of Gaza continues unabated on a biblical scale; 2.3 million people are in dire need of food, water, shelter, medical care. Meanwhile in the West Bank, almost ignored in the mainstream media, Israeli repression has intensified, too.

In Gaza, among the atrocities, the UN estimates 50,000 pregnant women are currently living in Gaza, with more than 180 births taking place every day amid the “decimation” of healthcare. Many of those women are acutely malnourished. Few receive any medical attention before labor, often weeks ahead of schedule resulting in premature babies with little chance of surviving. C-sections are done with no anesthesia. There is little food for new babies or Moms.

2. While our brothers and sisters in Gaza continue to be subjected to war crimes, the Zionists have also escalated their repression across the West Bank, including against our friends in Beit Ummar where since October 7th of last year total number of arrests of Palestinians exceed 9,170. Torture is commonplace.

Beit Ummar, population 20,000, is located in the West Bank, a region controlled by the Israeli Defense Force. Living under close to a military virtual siege  for decades, fully one third of all Palestinian youth incarcerated in Israeli prisons come from Beit Ummar.

The IDF or Israeli settlers terrorize the townspeople by breaking into their homes in the middle of the night, stealing and breaking household items. This happens regularly across the rest of the West Bank and includes often brutal arrests along with threats against detainees and their families.

Seizures of land and Palestinian private property have intensified with armed clashes breaking out through the territory. Vigilante attacks by Israeli settlers, armed and egged on by the government and encouraged by the IDF, have accelerated. According to Al Jazeera, more than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank .

We, the Center of Freedom and Justice – Colorado,   call on the Colorado Congressional Delegation to ensure that the aid being collected by Beit Ummar (and others) for the suffering people of Gaza be speedily and successfully delivered to the starving people of Gaza.

3. Those who have so little to share, share with those who have nothing.

As Center for Freedom and Justice spokesman Mousa Maria noted:

“The project spanned a full week of continuous effort to pack 2000 parcels into the trucks. We are now awaiting coordination from the Palestinian authorities to allow the trucks to the crossing then to deliver these parcels to 2000 effected families in Gaza.

“This project involved three months of continuous planning, during which we successfully raised $70,000 for foodstuffs and logistical work. Our success will be marked by the safe entry of the trucks into Gaza.

Concerning the current situation, as one Beit Ummar resident commented (June 13, 2024):

In Beit Ummar we face Israeli raid almost every night, they have been imprisoning people way more that before the war and the prisoners are being treated really really bad.

Also Israeli government is refusing to give us our money’ salaries for those working in the Governmental sector, and starting from this week, they reduced the water we receive 40% although even before that, the water was barely enough.

We are threatened to face what Gaza faced. I’m terrified for my family, kids and beloved ones but nothing to do other than praying.

For more information:

One Comment leave one →
  1. June 13, 2024 10:29 pm

    Rob, Ta’ayush is a Jewish organization whose website I referred to often in the past.

    Sadly no longer available.

    NIF is a progressive still in business A good meeting with the peace center folk. Trouble in the Peace Collective though. Sergio


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