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Year of the Plague – 14 – Jerry Roys Weighs In

April 18, 2020

Jerry Roys. Historian, author, roofer, bass player …and my friend


Right now, we are asked to sacrifice by following some simple rules, wear masks, wash your hands, stay 6 feet away when out in public. Of course, humans are human and some just can’t do it. Some feel their rights are being taken away. Last time I checked you can still jump in your car and take a ride, take a walk in a park. Hell, you can even go gather in a church, if your church is holding service. Entertainment is on hold, eating out, by the way, these places are still open and you can still support them by ordering out now and then.


We all want to get back to normal.

All of us.

Humans hate change and this has been a big one. Humans love going to places where everyone knows your name. We love gathering with friends, going out to eat, to party, to socialize. Yes, we all want to get back to normal. But when that happens, we want it to “last.” To work. People talk about being strong, you hear it all the time when something bad happens in an area.

Strong is tagged. “American Strong,” you know like the Greatest Generation of World War ll. They are called the Greatest Generation for a reason. One has to remember this generation knew hardship. Prior to WWII they were the generation of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowls and even ugly government policies like the Mexican Repatriation Act.

America was thrown into the WWII. When this happened, they were pulling out of the Great Depression. They were asked to sacrificed, and they did. They didn’t bitch and moan about the hardship they had just been through. They rationed, they volunteered by the 1000s to fight and die in the front lines. They did what they had to do to win the war. I have to wonder what history will say of this time, this generation. You see we’re all soldiers in this war, all of us.

Most of us are holding up the rear as they say. Those on the front lines are the doctors and nurses, transportation, grocery workers, delivery workers, . . . all those serving the public who are making it possible to keep those of us in the rear safe and comfortable. A lot of people are still working, and a lot are not.

This is where the stress is. Mortgages have to be paid; bills have to be paid. This is where banks could help. They could just take the length of the mortgage loan and extend it. Put it on the end of the loan. A program can also be made for renters. So when a person goes back to work there is no catching up. A person doesn’t have to come up with a big payment. It really is a bank loan to get by on. This would relieve a lot of stress, keep people from losing their homes.

Right now, we are asked to sacrifice by following some simple rules, wear masks, wash your hands, stay 6 feet away when out in public. Of course, humans are human and some just can’t do it. Some feel their rights are being taken away. Last time I checked you can still jump in your car and take a ride, take a walk in a park. Hell, you can even go gather in a church, if your church is holding service. Entertainment is on hold, eating out, by the way, these places are still open and you can still support them by ordering out now and then.

But other than that, you still have freedom.

Many of you can even gather in large crowds. You know like all the protests that are set up. Even the President is encouraging some of you to do it. He of all people knows what this virus does. I have to ask myself why he would do this, and you should too. This to me is the classic Jim Jones Sickness, the virus is the Kool-Aid, and people will be happy to take it and then go home and feed it to their loved ones. A part of me wanted to ask all of the protesters gathering to huddle close and not wear a mask. Just to test your theory that it’s good, everything is Ok and we can get back to normal. To prove what happened in Italy, New York, the packing houses in South Dakota, and in Greeley can’t happen when big crowds gather outside.

Just remember they say it is an airborne virus that lingers.

So, if the person with the virus near you coughs or sneezes you probably will get it, even if they’re breathing heavy. But maybe you’re one of the lucky ones, who it doesn’t affect at all. You know, one who can only spread it. You need to honestly ask yourself a few questions. Because so many of you are on this government takeover kick, losing my freedoms conspiracy.

What is the benefit of the government shutting down the country, what is the benefit of those in power losing power? That is what happens in this situation. They lose power, and we realize how much power we have. This is not what they want. They had us where they wanted us divided and brainwashed. Same goes for the vaccine, if they come up with a cure, please give it to me. That would start to get us back to normal quickly.

I don’t care who comes up with it.

God, I wish we were, but we are nothing like the Greatest Generation, far from it. We can’t even handle a month of sacrifice by staying home, watching TV, eating, we even have friends/entertainers perform for us on FB. . . strong. . . really.

  • This virus is still a baby, no one really knows what it’s going to do.
  • We know what it has done. It has accelerated the death rate of Americans, we know it is highly contagious,
  • We know it has over whelmed our healthcare facilities and workers, it has hurt our economy.
  • We know the reason it isn’t as bad as it can get and that we’re beginning to win is because of what we have done by following some simple basic rules.

Yeah, washing your hands kills the virus. Just soap and water.

There may be proof that the virus has a far shorter shelf-life on surfaces in hot and humid temperatures. I hope so. These rules we have now were set state-by-state. By our governors who were told by the president to lead. The “health experts” say we are lagging way behind in testing to safely reopen the country.

I’ll take the word of the expert over the guy who isn’t.

I say the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans will back their guy to a fault. Democrats will trash their guy to a fault. But really it is holding that person to be accountable. That’s what it comes down to. We hold people accountable, our kids, our co-workers, our-employees, ourselves. We should also hold all of our leaders accountable.

You who protest and want to scream about the situation we’re in, you want to get back to normal faster?

  • Start calling “your” representatives to get on the testing.
  • Ask the president to invoke the production act on testing, he finally did it with masks.

Right now, some tests take up to 5 days to get the results back. That isn’t going to work. The truth is the production act on masks, protection equipment, ventilators and testing should have been invoked 6 weeks ago. We would not be here right now if it was. We would be ready to open safely. That’s my opinion.

This virus didn’t get weaker, it’s as strong as it’s always been. It’s just waiting.

All of you who are planning to protest, please do all you can to stay safe. We’re in this together. Your families need you to be healthy. Oh, and I will say it now, we agree to disagree. This is my opinion. That’s all it is. If you have one write it down and post it on your page. I’m sure some of you have valid arguments but I’m not into arguing my point of view.

In the end it’s just a waste of time and energy.

Peace, stay safe and love someone.

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